Luke 9-19 ~ The Context of the Prodigal Son
The Parable of the Prodigal Son falls in the midst of a very significant section of the Gospel of Luke, Luke 9.51-19.28, often referred to as "The Travel Narrative." A number of Jesus' most significant parables and deeds occur here. A proper understanding of the parable of the prodigal son demands that we center it among the great themes that dominate this section. They include:
1) Take a look at the structural outline below,
2) read the passages in the gospel of Luke,
3) and note the comments.
4) Then look at the lists of thematic elements below the outline.
5) Finally think carefully about how the parable of the prodigal son reflects these themes.
1) Take a look at the structural outline below,
2) read the passages in the gospel of Luke,
3) and note the comments.
4) Then look at the lists of thematic elements below the outline.
5) Finally think carefully about how the parable of the prodigal son reflects these themes.
Luke 9.51-19.28 ~ The Context of the Parable of the Prodigal Son
(based on the structural outline of Kenneth Bailey, Jacob and the Prodigal, p. 47)
A. Journey to Jerusalem (9.51-56) Set his face for JERUSALEM
B. Following Jesus (9.57-10.24) Welcoming 3 would-be DISCIPLES/rejected
Sending 70 DISCIPLES to GENTILES/EAT what is set before you
The KINGDOM has come near!
Woe to Jewish towns (v. 15 exalted, brought low)
Better for GENTILE cities! // Pride, humility, hidden from wise/PRAYER
C. What shall I do to inherit eternal life? (10.25-41)
Love God…love neighbor – Who is my Neighbor?
Parable of Good SAMARITAN
Mary and Martha -- DISCIPLESHIP -- serving and learning
D. Prayer (11.1-13) Prayer for DISCIPLES -- Your kingdom come/Forgive us our sins/debtors
Parable of Importunate friend/A giving God
E. Signs of the coming kingdom (11.14-32)
Healing mute man/casting out demon/KINGDOM of God has come to you
DISCIPLESHIP -- Whoever is not with me is against me
DISCIPLESHIP -- Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it
Sign of Jonah -- God desires the repentance of GENTILES
Queen of the South -- GENTILE came to listen to God's wisdom
F. Conflict with Pharisees/Money (11.33-12.34)
EATING with Pharisees – law, hypocrisy
11.52 -- You did not enter and you hindered those who were entering
DISCIPLESHIP -- acknowledge Christ/deny Christ
Parable of the rich farmer -- greed, money -- strive for the KINGDOM
G. The Kingdom is not yet and now (12.35-59)
DISCIPLESHIP -- parable of slaves waiting for the coming of the master
Parable of the 2 stewards – treating slaves acc or ag will of the master!!!!!!
DISCIPLESHIP -- Jesus demands decision, decision may lead to division
H. The call of the Kingdom to Israel (13.1-9)
GALILEANS/GENTILES -- repent or perish -- Necessity of REPENTANCE
DISCIPLESHIP -- Produce or perish -- Parable of unfruitful fig tree
I. The nature of the Kingdom (13.10-21)
Love not law -- Healing crippled woman /OUTCAST (synagogue ruler complains!!!!!)
Humility -- The KINGDOM is like mustard seed, yeast
J / A’. Journey to Jerusalem (13.22-35)
Who can be saved? EAT in the KINGDOM of God/First shall be last, last first
Pharisees try to protect! Jesus – Lament over Jerusalem
I’. The nature of the Kingdom (14.1-11)
Love not law -- Healing man with dropsy – EAT with a PHARISEE
DISCIPLESHIP -- humility -- Parable of seats at wedding BANQUET
H’. The call of the Kingdom to outcasts/all (14.12-15.32)
Do not invite your friends to the BANQUET but the OUTCASTS
Parable of refusal of invitation to BANQUET and invitation to OUTCASTS
Cost of DISCIPLESHIP – carry cross, follow Jesus exclusively
Pharisees criticize Jesus for EATing with tax collectors and sinners
(Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, Lost Sons – CELEBRATE -- seek and to save the lost)
G’. The kingdom is now (16.1-8)
Parable of unjust steward (squandering property – forgives debt/forgiven)
F’. Conflict with Pharisees/Money (16.9-31)
You cannot serve God and money // PHARISEES ridiculed him
Parable of Rich man and Lazarus – longed to satisfy hunger // dogs//REPENTANCE
E’. Signs and coming kingdom (17.1-37)
On way to JERUSALEM, between SAMARIA and Galilee -- 10 lepers (OUTCASTS)
One praises God and thanks Jesus -- SAMARITAN/OUTCAST
KINGDOM of God is among you – prediction of persecution/eating/drinking
D’. Prayer (18.1-17)
Parable of Importunate widow -- Will he find faith on earth?
Parable of the PHARISEE and the TAX collector -- pride/humility – SINNER
Exalted/humbled -- KINGDOM belongs to children/receive KINGDOM like a child
C’. What shall I do to inherit eternal life? (18.18-30)
DISCIPLESHIP -- Ruler – obedience, keeps the law -- give to the poor and follow me
Hard for rich to enter the KINGDOM – Who then can be saved?
B’. Follow me (18.31-19.10)
DISCIPLESHIP -- going up to JERUSALEM – death and resurrection
Healing of blind beggar/Jericho – followed, praised God -- OUTCAST
Zacchaeus/Jericho – TAX COLLECTOR and SINNER -- OUTCAST
Salvation has come to THIS house – seek and to save the LOST
A’ /A’’. Journey to Jerusalem (19.11-28)
Parable of 10 minas – using the AUTHORITY wisely that the master has given the slaves
Arrival to outskirts of JERUSALEM
KINGDOM ~ "The Kingdom has come near" -- in the person of Jesus
"Your Kingdom come" -- the prayer of Jesus
"The Kingdom has come to you" -- in the powerful deeds of Jesus
We must "enter the Kingdom" and not hinder others -- determined by our acceptance of Jesus
We must "strive for the Kingdom" --
"The Kingdom is like a mustard seed, leaven" -- according to the teachings of Jesus
We must "eat in the Kingdom" -- according to the metaphor of Jesus
"The Kingdom of God is among/within you" -- in the person of Jesus
"The Kingdom belongs to children/must be received as a child" -- according to Jesus
"It is hard for the rich to enter the Kingdom" -- apart from faith in Jesus
DISCIPLESHIP ~ Discipleship demands accepting those whom Jesus accepts (Samaritans)
Discipleship demands following Jesus now no matter what the circumstances
Discipleship demands being sent for on mission when Jesus sends
Discipleship demands serving and learning (Mary and Martha)
Demands of Discipleship ~ Whoever is not with me is against me
Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it
Unlike Jonah, long for the repentance of Gentiles
Discipleship demands acknowledging Christ not denying him
Discipleship demands waiting faithfully, actively for the master
Discipleship demands decision, decision sometimes leads to division
Discipleship demands bearing fruit
Discipleship demands humility
Discipleship demands carrying a cross, exclusive loyalty to Jesus
Discipleship demands serving God not material possessions
Discipleship demands forgiveness, repentance, thanksgiving, persistence
Discipleship demands receiving the kingdom like a child
Discipleship demands giving to the poor and following Jesus, all the way to the cross
OUTCASTS ~ Jesus does not reject Samaritans even when they reject him.
Jesus rebukes his disciples for wanting to punish the Samaritans.
Jesus sends his disciples to Gentiles with the good news of the kingdom.
Jesus insists Gentile towns will be better off in the judgment than Jewish towns that reject him.
Jesus illustrates true neighborliness by means of a Samaritan traveler.
Jesus illustrates true discipleship by means of a woman (Mary).
Jesus teaches that God welcomes the repentance of Gentiles (Jonah).
Jesus teaches that Gentiles may be the ones who seek true wisdom (Queen of the South).
Jesus heals a crippled woman and a man with dropsy.
Jesus teaches his disciples to invite "sinners" to their banquets.
Jesus eats with "sinners ands tax collectors."
Jesus illustrates salvation with a poor beggar named Lazarus.
Jesus heals lepers and remarks on the gratitude of the one Samaritan leper.
God hears the prayers of the tax collector, a humble sinner, rather than the Pharisee.
Jesus calls and eats with a sinful tax collector, Zacchaeus.
Jesus came to seek and to save the lost.
(based on the structural outline of Kenneth Bailey, Jacob and the Prodigal, p. 47)
A. Journey to Jerusalem (9.51-56) Set his face for JERUSALEM
B. Following Jesus (9.57-10.24) Welcoming 3 would-be DISCIPLES/rejected
Sending 70 DISCIPLES to GENTILES/EAT what is set before you
The KINGDOM has come near!
Woe to Jewish towns (v. 15 exalted, brought low)
Better for GENTILE cities! // Pride, humility, hidden from wise/PRAYER
C. What shall I do to inherit eternal life? (10.25-41)
Love God…love neighbor – Who is my Neighbor?
Parable of Good SAMARITAN
Mary and Martha -- DISCIPLESHIP -- serving and learning
D. Prayer (11.1-13) Prayer for DISCIPLES -- Your kingdom come/Forgive us our sins/debtors
Parable of Importunate friend/A giving God
E. Signs of the coming kingdom (11.14-32)
Healing mute man/casting out demon/KINGDOM of God has come to you
DISCIPLESHIP -- Whoever is not with me is against me
DISCIPLESHIP -- Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it
Sign of Jonah -- God desires the repentance of GENTILES
Queen of the South -- GENTILE came to listen to God's wisdom
F. Conflict with Pharisees/Money (11.33-12.34)
EATING with Pharisees – law, hypocrisy
11.52 -- You did not enter and you hindered those who were entering
DISCIPLESHIP -- acknowledge Christ/deny Christ
Parable of the rich farmer -- greed, money -- strive for the KINGDOM
G. The Kingdom is not yet and now (12.35-59)
DISCIPLESHIP -- parable of slaves waiting for the coming of the master
Parable of the 2 stewards – treating slaves acc or ag will of the master!!!!!!
DISCIPLESHIP -- Jesus demands decision, decision may lead to division
H. The call of the Kingdom to Israel (13.1-9)
GALILEANS/GENTILES -- repent or perish -- Necessity of REPENTANCE
DISCIPLESHIP -- Produce or perish -- Parable of unfruitful fig tree
I. The nature of the Kingdom (13.10-21)
Love not law -- Healing crippled woman /OUTCAST (synagogue ruler complains!!!!!)
Humility -- The KINGDOM is like mustard seed, yeast
J / A’. Journey to Jerusalem (13.22-35)
Who can be saved? EAT in the KINGDOM of God/First shall be last, last first
Pharisees try to protect! Jesus – Lament over Jerusalem
I’. The nature of the Kingdom (14.1-11)
Love not law -- Healing man with dropsy – EAT with a PHARISEE
DISCIPLESHIP -- humility -- Parable of seats at wedding BANQUET
H’. The call of the Kingdom to outcasts/all (14.12-15.32)
Do not invite your friends to the BANQUET but the OUTCASTS
Parable of refusal of invitation to BANQUET and invitation to OUTCASTS
Cost of DISCIPLESHIP – carry cross, follow Jesus exclusively
Pharisees criticize Jesus for EATing with tax collectors and sinners
(Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, Lost Sons – CELEBRATE -- seek and to save the lost)
G’. The kingdom is now (16.1-8)
Parable of unjust steward (squandering property – forgives debt/forgiven)
F’. Conflict with Pharisees/Money (16.9-31)
You cannot serve God and money // PHARISEES ridiculed him
Parable of Rich man and Lazarus – longed to satisfy hunger // dogs//REPENTANCE
E’. Signs and coming kingdom (17.1-37)
On way to JERUSALEM, between SAMARIA and Galilee -- 10 lepers (OUTCASTS)
One praises God and thanks Jesus -- SAMARITAN/OUTCAST
KINGDOM of God is among you – prediction of persecution/eating/drinking
D’. Prayer (18.1-17)
Parable of Importunate widow -- Will he find faith on earth?
Parable of the PHARISEE and the TAX collector -- pride/humility – SINNER
Exalted/humbled -- KINGDOM belongs to children/receive KINGDOM like a child
C’. What shall I do to inherit eternal life? (18.18-30)
DISCIPLESHIP -- Ruler – obedience, keeps the law -- give to the poor and follow me
Hard for rich to enter the KINGDOM – Who then can be saved?
B’. Follow me (18.31-19.10)
DISCIPLESHIP -- going up to JERUSALEM – death and resurrection
Healing of blind beggar/Jericho – followed, praised God -- OUTCAST
Zacchaeus/Jericho – TAX COLLECTOR and SINNER -- OUTCAST
Salvation has come to THIS house – seek and to save the LOST
A’ /A’’. Journey to Jerusalem (19.11-28)
Parable of 10 minas – using the AUTHORITY wisely that the master has given the slaves
Arrival to outskirts of JERUSALEM
KINGDOM ~ "The Kingdom has come near" -- in the person of Jesus
"Your Kingdom come" -- the prayer of Jesus
"The Kingdom has come to you" -- in the powerful deeds of Jesus
We must "enter the Kingdom" and not hinder others -- determined by our acceptance of Jesus
We must "strive for the Kingdom" --
"The Kingdom is like a mustard seed, leaven" -- according to the teachings of Jesus
We must "eat in the Kingdom" -- according to the metaphor of Jesus
"The Kingdom of God is among/within you" -- in the person of Jesus
"The Kingdom belongs to children/must be received as a child" -- according to Jesus
"It is hard for the rich to enter the Kingdom" -- apart from faith in Jesus
DISCIPLESHIP ~ Discipleship demands accepting those whom Jesus accepts (Samaritans)
Discipleship demands following Jesus now no matter what the circumstances
Discipleship demands being sent for on mission when Jesus sends
Discipleship demands serving and learning (Mary and Martha)
Demands of Discipleship ~ Whoever is not with me is against me
Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it
Unlike Jonah, long for the repentance of Gentiles
Discipleship demands acknowledging Christ not denying him
Discipleship demands waiting faithfully, actively for the master
Discipleship demands decision, decision sometimes leads to division
Discipleship demands bearing fruit
Discipleship demands humility
Discipleship demands carrying a cross, exclusive loyalty to Jesus
Discipleship demands serving God not material possessions
Discipleship demands forgiveness, repentance, thanksgiving, persistence
Discipleship demands receiving the kingdom like a child
Discipleship demands giving to the poor and following Jesus, all the way to the cross
OUTCASTS ~ Jesus does not reject Samaritans even when they reject him.
Jesus rebukes his disciples for wanting to punish the Samaritans.
Jesus sends his disciples to Gentiles with the good news of the kingdom.
Jesus insists Gentile towns will be better off in the judgment than Jewish towns that reject him.
Jesus illustrates true neighborliness by means of a Samaritan traveler.
Jesus illustrates true discipleship by means of a woman (Mary).
Jesus teaches that God welcomes the repentance of Gentiles (Jonah).
Jesus teaches that Gentiles may be the ones who seek true wisdom (Queen of the South).
Jesus heals a crippled woman and a man with dropsy.
Jesus teaches his disciples to invite "sinners" to their banquets.
Jesus eats with "sinners ands tax collectors."
Jesus illustrates salvation with a poor beggar named Lazarus.
Jesus heals lepers and remarks on the gratitude of the one Samaritan leper.
God hears the prayers of the tax collector, a humble sinner, rather than the Pharisee.
Jesus calls and eats with a sinful tax collector, Zacchaeus.
Jesus came to seek and to save the lost.